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The PASS Audibility Project

at The University of Texas at Austin 


When firefighters are overcome by smoke and heat in a fire and disoriented or trapped in a structure, a reliable means of alerting other fireground personnel of their need for assistance is crucial. Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) devices are designed to alert aid using audible signal-producing technology. Normal operation is for the PASS devices to activate a 95-dB multiple-frequency alarm signal if the lack of motion exceeds a specific time period.


Despite its widespread use throughout the fire service and on-going enhancements in recent years, certain problems still exist with audible PASS technology. Foremost among these problems is that nationally recognized standards currently allow a range of performance for the PASS alarm signal, and this has resulted in multiple different PASS alarms being used in the field. This project seeks to establish a scientific basis for a single PASS alarm signal for use throughout the U.S. fire service and address possible technological enhancements such as receiver enhancements and addressable non-audible frequencies. 


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